Make sure SLF4J log statements contain proper placeholders with matching arguments
Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation
to the enclosing element.Disable this pattern completely by adding
as compiler argument. Learn more.
Shows the difference in example code before and after the bug pattern is applied.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Marker;
import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory;
class A {
private static final String FMT_ERR = "format-string-with-%s-placeholder";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(A.class);
private final Marker marker = MarkerFactory.getMarker(A.class.getName());
private final Object o = new Object();
private final String s = o.toString();
private final Throwable t = new Throwable();
void m() {
LOG.error(FMT_ERR, o);
- LOG.error("format-string-with-'%s'-placeholder", o);
- LOG.error("format-string-with-\"%s\"-placeholder", o);
- LOG.error("format-string-with-%s" + "-placeholder", o);
+ LOG.error("format-string-with-'{}'-placeholder", o);
+ LOG.error("format-string-with-\"{}\"-placeholder", o);
+ LOG.error("format-string-with-{}" + "-placeholder", o);
Shows code lines which will (not) be flagged by this bug pattern.
A //BUG: Diagnostic contains:
comment is placed above any violating line.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Marker;
import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory;
class A {
private static final String FMT0 = "format-string-without-placeholders";
private static final String FMT1 = "format-string-with-{}-placeholder";
private static final String FMT_ERR = "format-string-with-%s-placeholder";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(A.class);
private final Marker marker = MarkerFactory.getMarker(A.class.getName());
private final Object o = new Object();
private final String s = o.toString();
private final Throwable t = new Throwable();
void m() {
LOG.debug(s, o);, t);
LOG.warn(s, o, t);
LOG.error(marker, s);
LOG.trace(marker, s, o);
LOG.debug(marker, s, t);, s, o, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains: Log statement contains 0 placeholders, but specifies 1 matching
// argument(s)
LOG.error(FMT0, o);
LOG.trace(FMT0, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.debug(FMT0, o, t);, FMT0);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.warn(marker, FMT0, o);
LOG.error(marker, FMT0, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.trace(marker, FMT0, o, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains: Log statement contains 1 placeholders, but specifies 0 matching
// argument(s)
LOG.debug(FMT1);, o);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.warn(FMT1, t);
LOG.error(FMT1, o, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains: Log statement contains 1 placeholders, but specifies 2 matching
// argument(s)
LOG.trace(FMT1, o, o);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.debug(FMT1, o, o, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:, FMT1);
LOG.warn(marker, FMT1, o);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.error(marker, FMT1, t);
LOG.trace(marker, FMT1, o, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.debug(marker, FMT1, o, o);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:, FMT1, o, o, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains: SLF4J log statement placeholders are of the form `{}`, not `%s`
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.error(FMT_ERR, t);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.trace(FMT_ERR, o);
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
LOG.debug(FMT_ERR, o, t);