String formatting can be deferred
Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation
to the enclosing element.Disable this pattern completely by adding
as compiler argument. Learn more.
Shows the difference in example code before and after the bug pattern is applied.
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify;
import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Marker;
class A {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(A.class);
private static final String GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN = "with-only-%s-placeholder";
private static final String GUAVA_INCOMPATIBLE_PATTERN = "with-%%-marker";
void m() {
- requireNonNull("never-null", String.format("Format string: %s", 0));
+ requireNonNull("never-null", () -> String.format("Format string: %s", 0));
- checkArgument(true, String.format("Vacuous format string %%"));
- checkNotNull("never-null", "Format string: %s %s%%".formatted(1, 2));
- checkState(false, String.format(Locale.US, "Format string with locale: %s", 3));
- verify(true, GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN.formatted(4));
- verifyNotNull("never-null", String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN, 5));
- checkArgument(false, GUAVA_INCOMPATIBLE_PATTERN.formatted());
- checkNotNull("never-null", String.format(GUAVA_INCOMPATIBLE_PATTERN));
+ checkArgument(true, "Vacuous format string %");
+ checkNotNull("never-null", "Format string: %s %s%", 1, 2);
+ checkState(false, "Format string with locale: %s", 3);
+ verify(true, GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN, 4);
+ verifyNotNull("never-null", GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN, 5);
+ checkArgument(false, "with-%-marker");
+ checkNotNull("never-null", "with-%-marker");
- LOG.trace("Vacuous format string %%".formatted());
- LOG.debug(String.format("With format string: %s, %s%%", 6, 7));
- LOG.info(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "With vacuous localized format string %%"));
- LOG.warn((Marker) null, "With marker and format string: %s".formatted(8));
- LOG.error(
- String.format(Locale.US, "With throwable and format string: %s, %s", 9, 10),
- new RuntimeException());
+ LOG.trace("Vacuous format string %");
+ LOG.debug("With format string: {}, {}%", 6, 7);
+ LOG.info("With vacuous localized format string %");
+ LOG.warn((Marker) null, "With marker and format string: {}", 8);
+ LOG.error("With throwable and format string: {}, {}", 9, 10, new RuntimeException());
- (Marker) null,
- "With marker, throwable and format string: %s".formatted(11),
- new RuntimeException());
- LOG.debug(GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN.formatted(12));
- LOG.info(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, GUAVA_COMPATIBLE_PATTERN, 13));
+ (Marker) null, "With marker, throwable and format string: {}", 11, new RuntimeException());
+ LOG.debug("with-only-{}-placeholder", 12);
+ LOG.info("with-only-{}-placeholder", 13);
+ LOG.warn("with-%-marker");
+ LOG.error("with-%-marker");
Shows code lines which will (not) be flagged by this bug pattern.
A //BUG: Diagnostic contains:
comment is placed above any violating line.
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify;
import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.Formattable;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Marker;
class A {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(A.class);
private int nonFinalField = 0;
void m() {
Formattable formattable = (formatter, flags, width, precision) -> {};
int effectivelyFinalLocal = 0;
/* A local variable that is also not effectively final. */
int nonFinalLocal = 0;
nonFinalLocal = 1;
String.format("%s", "foo");
String.format(Locale.US, "%s", "foo");
String.format("%s", "foo", "bar");
String.format("%s %s", "foo", "bar");
String.format("%s %s %%", "foo", "bar");
System.out.println(String.format("%s", nonFinalLocal));
requireNonNull("never-null", () -> String.format("Format string: %s", nonFinalField));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: VACUOUS
requireNonNull(String.format("Never-null format string: %s", nonFinalField));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: VACUOUS
requireNonNull("Never-null format string: %s".formatted(nonFinalField), "message");
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: VACUOUS
String.format("Never-null format string"), String.format("Malformed format string: %"));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_EXTRA_VARIABLE
requireNonNull("never-null", String.format("Format string: %s", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
requireNonNull("never-null", String.format("Format string: %s", effectivelyFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
"Custom format string: %s, %d, %s", getClass(), nonFinalField, "string-constant"));
checkArgument(false, "Without format string");
checkNotNull("never-null", "Without format string");
checkState(true, "Without format string");
verify(false, "Without format string");
verifyNotNull("never-null", "Without format string");
checkArgument(true, "With format string: %s", nonFinalLocal);
checkNotNull("never-null", "With format string: %s", nonFinalLocal);
checkState(false, "With format string: %s", nonFinalLocal);
verify(true, "With format string: %s", nonFinalLocal);
verifyNotNull("never-null", "With format string: %s", nonFinalLocal);
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: VACUOUS
checkNotNull(String.format("Never-null format string: %s", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: VACUOUS
verifyNotNull("Never-null format string: %s".formatted(nonFinalLocal), "message");
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: VACUOUS
String.format("Never-null format string"), String.format("Malformed format string: %"));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
checkArgument(true, String.format(toString()));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
checkNotNull("never-null", toString().formatted());
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
checkState(true, String.format("Custom format string: %d", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
verify(true, "Mismatched format string:".formatted(nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
verifyNotNull("never-null", "Mismatched format string: %d".formatted());
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
checkArgument(true, String.format("Malformed format string: %"));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
checkNotNull("never-null", "Format string with `Formattable`: %s".formatted(formattable));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
checkState(true, String.format("Generated format string: %%s"), nonFinalLocal);
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_GUAVA
"Format string with format string argument: %s",
String.format("Format string argument: %s", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
"never-null", String.format("Format string: %s, %s", nonFinalLocal, nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
checkArgument(true, "Format string: %s%%".formatted(nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
"never-null", String.format(Locale.US, "Format string with locale: %s", nonFinalLocal));
LOG.trace("Without format string");
LOG.debug("With format string: {}", nonFinalLocal);
LOG.info((Marker) null, "With marker");
LOG.warn((Marker) null, "With marker and format string: {}", nonFinalLocal);
LOG.error("With throwable", new RuntimeException());
LOG.trace("With throwable and format string: {}", nonFinalLocal, new RuntimeException());
LOG.debug((Marker) null, "With marker and throwable", new RuntimeException());
(Marker) null,
"With marker, throwable and format string: {}",
new RuntimeException());
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
LOG.trace(String.format("Custom format string: %d", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
LOG.debug("Mismatched format string:".formatted(nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
LOG.info("Mismatched format string %d:".formatted());
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
LOG.warn(String.format("Malformed format string: %"));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
LOG.error("Format string with `Formattable`: %s".formatted(formattable));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
LOG.trace(String.format("Generated format string: {}"), nonFinalLocal);
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER_SIMPLIFIED_SLF4J
"Format string with format string argument: {}",
String.format("Format string argument: %s", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
LOG.info(String.format("Vacuous format string %%"));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
LOG.warn(String.format("With format string: %s, %s", nonFinalLocal, nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
LOG.error(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "With vacuous localized format string %%"));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
LOG.trace((Marker) null, String.format("With marker and format string: %s", nonFinalLocal));
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
String.format("With throwable and format string: %s", nonFinalLocal),
new RuntimeException());
// BUG: Diagnostic matches: DEFER
(Marker) null,
String.format("With marker, throwable and format string: %s", nonFinalLocal),
new RuntimeException());