Variable assignment is redundant; value can be returned directly
Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation
to the enclosing element.Disable this pattern completely by adding
as compiler argument. Learn more.
Shows the difference in example code before and after the bug pattern is applied.
class A {
String m1() {
String variable = null;
- variable = toString();
- return variable;
+ return toString();
String m2() {
- String variable = toString();
- return variable;
+ return toString();
Shows code lines which will (not) be flagged by this bug pattern.
A //BUG: Diagnostic contains:
comment is placed above any violating line.
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
class A {
private String field;
void emptyMethod() {}
void voidMethod() {
String directReturnOfParam(String param) {
return param;
String assignmentToField() {
field = toString();
return field;
Object redundantAssignmentToParam(String param) {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
param = toString();
return param;
String redundantMockAssignmentToParam(String param) {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
param = mock();
return param;
Object redundantMockWithExplicitTypeAssignmentToParam(String param) {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
param = mock(String.class);
return param;
Object salientMockAssignmentToParam(String param) {
param = mock();
return param;
String redundantAssignmentToLocalVariable() {
String variable = null;
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
variable = toString();
return variable;
String unusedAssignmentToLocalVariable(String param) {
String variable = null;
variable = toString();
return param;
String redundantVariableDeclaration() {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
String variable = toString();
return variable;
String redundantSpyVariableDeclaration() {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
String variable = spy();
return variable;
Object redundantSpyWithExplicitTypeVariableDeclaration() {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
String variable = spy(String.class);
return variable;
Object salientSpyTypeVariableDeclaration() {
String variable = spy("name");
return variable;
String unusedVariableDeclaration(String param) {
String variable = toString();
return param;
String assignmentToAnnotatedVariable() {
String variable = toString();
return variable;
String complexReturnStatement() {
String variable = toString();
return variable + toString();
String assignmentInsideIfClause() {
String variable = null;
if (true) {
variable = toString();
return variable;
String redundantAssignmentInsideElseClause() {
String variable = toString();
if (true) {
return variable;
} else {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
variable = "foo";
return variable;
Supplier<String> redundantAssignmentInsideLambda() {
return () -> {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
String variable = toString();
return variable;
String redundantAssignmentInsideTryBlock(AutoCloseable closeable) throws Exception {
try (closeable) {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
String variable = toString();
return variable;
String redundantAssignmentsInsideTryAndFinallyBlocks() {
String variable = toString();
try {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
variable = "foo";
return variable;
} finally {
String variable2 = toString();
if (true) {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
String variable3 = toString();
return variable3;
return variable2;
String assignmentUsedInsideFinallyBlock() {
String variable = toString();
try {
variable = "foo";
return variable;
} finally {
String variable2 = toString();
return variable + variable2;
String redundantAssignmentToVariableUsedInsideUnexecutedFinallyBlock(AutoCloseable closeable)
throws Exception {
String variable = toString();
try (closeable) {
if (true) {
// BUG: Diagnostic contains:
variable = "foo";
return variable;
try {
} finally {
return variable;